Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Why Are Things Colored??
Causes of Color
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
FukuShima 50

I attend The Crossing, which is a church here in Columbia. One of the things that I love about their website, is that they have a blog that they are continuously updating. I visited their blog today, and was glad that they had created a new entry about the occurrences that have taken place in Japan.
The link to this blog entry is found below
The Fukushima 50
Monday, March 14, 2011
Using Videos in the Classroom
Educational Videos
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Creating Activist Children
I think it would be neat to create activist students at school. All kids need to care about something, anything. Some day I would like to have my classroom learn about organizations out there that are created to help those who are less fortunate than us.
I'm also a fan of American Idol and Chris Daughtry is one of my favorite artists. Every year on American Idol they have an episode dedicated to helping others, that episode is called "Idol Gives Back." I think it would be awesome to help students become aware of things that are happening around the world, good and bad. A great way to do this is to show them videos and websites about issues that are happening around our world and organizations that are created to help out these people.
Below I included a video by Chris Daughtry and a few links that some might be interested in.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Article Response
I really liked the article that I found. The article helps us to see that read alouds can be used to reach the standards and GLEs of your school. The author provides many ways to use read alouds effectively. Many of her suggestions can be used by teachers in the classroom. There are many benefits of read alouds, and the author lists some of these in the articles. Some of these benefits are building vocabulary, comprehension, and listening skills. The articles link is provided below. I hope that people find this article beneficial.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Reading Comments and Make Changes :)
I've always been interested in blogs, but I have never really understood how they work. The internet itself is very interesting. I love that it connects so many people and makes distance seem so small. When people comment on my posts, it makes me realize that people really read this stuff. Also, through the posts my classmates are learning more about me and in return I'm learning so much about them.
I also made some changes! I changed my background so that it would represent my personality! I love tie dye, and I think I have a pretty colorful personality. Also, in the left column, I added pictures. I chose to add pictures that represent the parts of my life that come from home. These pictures give my classmates an insight into what my life looks like when I'm not at Mizzou. There is a picture of my wonderful family and our summer past time, showing cattle. There is a picture of one of my most prized possessions, my dog Snickers. There is a picture of the gang from home. There is a picture of my parents and I. And lastly, a picture of me and the best roommates a girl could as for!